Avelino Corma Canós
Research Professor, Institute of Chemical Technology, UPV-CSIC (Valencia, Spain).
Avelino Corma was born in Moncofa (Castellón). He graduated in Chemistry from Valencia University (1967-1973) and received his PhD from the Complutense University of Madrid in 1976. Since 1990, he has been carrying out research at the Institute of Chemical Technology, a joint centre of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He works on the molecular design of catalysts and sustainable catalyst processes in the fields of refining hydrocarbons and biomass derivatives, and fine chemicals. Corma has published over 1000 articles in international journals, has written three books and numerous reviews. He is a member of the Editorial Committees of the most important journals in the fields of catalysis. He is the author of over 100 patents, 10 of which are in commercial exploitation.
His many accolades include the “Leonardo Torres Quevedo” National Technology Award (1995), the G. Ciapetta, Houdry & Michel Boudart Award for the Advancement of Catalysis of the North American Catalyst Society, “François Gault” European Catalysis Award (2001), Gold Medal of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (2005), Mexican National Science and Technology Award (2006), Prince of Asturias Award for Technical & Scientific Research (2014), European Inventor Award for Lifetime Achievement from the European Patent Office (EPO) (2023), EuChemS Gold Medal, European Chemical Society (2024).
He has been awarded Honorary Doctorates from Utrecht University (2006), UNED (2008), Munich Technology University (2008), Jaime I University of Castellón (2008), Valencia University (2009), Bochüm University (2010), Alicante University (2010), Ottawa University (2012) Delft Technology University (2013) Jilin University (China) (2013), Bucharest University (2014), Cantabria University (2016), Jaén University (2016), Cordoba University (2018).
Presentation tittle:
- Design of solid catalysts for a sustainable chemistry.

Fabiana Gennari
CONICET and CNEA-Instituto Balseiro Institute (Cuyo University, Argentina).
Fabiana Gennari graduated in Chemical Engineering from the National University of Comahue and has a PhD in Engineering from the National University of La Plata (Argentina). She completed postdoctoral studies at ICS-UNIDO and was a researcher at Trieste University (Italy). She is currently the lead researcher at CONICET and CNEA, and lectures at Balseiro Institute (Cuyo University). Gennari has co-authored over 120 publications in international journals. She has headed 20 national projects, 4 international projects and 8 technology transfer contracts in energy areas. Her accolades include the 2016 National L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women In Science Award and the 2023 Konex Award for Science and Technology, Diploma for Merit in Energy and Sustainability. Her research areas are in the field of clean energies, with special emphasis on hydrogen production by reforming, storage of hydrogen in hydrides, and capturing and conversion of carbon dioxide.
Presentation tittle:
- Hydrogen storage and conversion into synthetic fuels by carbon dioxide reutilization.

Juan Matos Lale
Ibero-American Institute of Sustainable Development, Autonomous University of Chile (Santiago, Chile).
Prof. Dr. Juan Matos Lale completed his PhD in Surface Chemistry and Physics through the Franco-Venezuelan Post-graduate Cooperation Programme between the École Centrale de Lyon (France) and the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research (1999). He was the Director (2017-2020) of the Franco-Chilean Network for Biochar Valorization for its Application in Energy and Environmental Remediation. From 2015 to 2019, he was a professor on the Energy Post-graduate course and at the Chemical Science Faculty of Concepción University (UdeC), and a researcher in the Bioenergy area of the Technology Development Unit (UDT) at that university.
In 2020, he was appointed Professor and Permanent Senior Academic of the Institute of Applied Chemical Sciences at the Engineering Faculty of the Autonomous University of Chile, home to the smart nanomaterials group (Smart NanoMat). He is working on different types of nanomaterials and is studying heteroatom-doped systems to be assessed in the production and storage of clean energy. Matos has published a total of 84 articles in high-impact journals and book chapters, and he holds 4 patents. He has worked on different international research and collaborative technological application projects with Mexico, Spain and France, along with projects funded by different organisations in Chile.
Presentation tittle:
- Are there active sites within nanoporous carbons? Examples in photocatalytic reactions.

Sónia Carabineiro
Assistant Professor, Sciences and Technology Faculty, NOVA University of Lisbon (Lisbon, Portugal).
Sónia Carabineiro graduated in Applied Chemistry (branch of Biotechnology) from the School of Sciences and Technology at the NOVA University of Lisbon, where she also received her PhD in Chemical Engineering (Catalysis) in 2001. She was a postdoctoral researcher at Leiden University and, in 2004, took up a postdoctoral post at the Structural Chemistry Centre at Lisbon University. In 2007, she joined Porto University as an Assistant Professor and was subsequent made Lead Researcher (2013). She was a visiting professor at Wuhan Textile University, China in 2019. Since 2020, she has been an Associate Professor at NOVA University of Lisbon.
Carabineiro is a member of the Editorial Committee of the ChemCatChem, Catalysis Today, Scientific Reports and Nanomaterials journals.
She is one of the leading women reviewers worldwide and assessor of international projects, including ERC scholarships. She has been included in the list of the most cited scientists worldwide (top 2% in Chemistry) published by Stanford University since 2017. She is co-author of more than 220 articles in international peer-reviewed scientific journals (h-index 53; ~9000 citations, Scopus), 25 book chapters and 1 patent. She was one of the Portuguese women featured in the 4th edition of the book “Mulheres na Ciência Viva”, Portugal, in 2023. Her research interests includes: gold catalysts, nanostructured catalysers, mixed metal oxides, graphene, carbon nanotubes, oxidation reactions, heterogenization of homogeneous catalysts, and elimination of pollutants from water, soil and air.
Presentation tittle:
- Mixed oxide-based composite materials for catalytic reactions and to remove pollutants.

Carlos Martínez-Huitle
Renewable Energies and Environmental Sustainability Research Group, Institute of Chemistry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
Prof. Dr. Carlos A. Martínez-Huitle is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. He was awarded with the Oronzio and Niccolo De Nora Foundation Prize by the Italian Chemical Society (2005) and the Oronzio and Niccolo De Nora Foundation Prize on Environmental Electrochemistry by the International Society of Electrochemistry (2009). He was also recognized by the German Government with the Green Talent Award for his contributions in the field of electrochemical water disinfection-treatment (2009) and the Fellow title recognition by the Royal Society of Chemistry (2023).
He is co-author of more than 420 scientific publications, including 20 conference books, 10 book chapters, 4 books, more than 320 papers in peer-reviewed international scientific journals (h-index 59; more than 19000 citations), more than 80 conference proceedings and a co-inventor of 4 patents. Chair Elect of International Society of Electrochemistry – Division 5. Visiting senior scientist at different Universities, Johannes Gutenberg Universitat Mainz (Germany) supported by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in 2018, 2020 and 2021, Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha (Spain) in 2022 as well as at the Universidade Federal de Alagoas (Brazil) in 2023. He is an Associate Editor of Chemistry Africa and Scientific Reports journals, as well as an Editorial board member of several journals.
His research interests include electrochemical advanced oxidation processes for water treatment, electrocatalytic materials, electrocatalysis, photoelectrocatalysis, electroorganic synthesis, electroanalysis as well as the construction of electrochemical-sensors, green hydrogen production and waste valorization.
Presentation tittle:
- Upgrading photovoltaic solar-driven electrocatalysis for wastewaters by coupling hydrogenation using green hydrogen and production of high value-added products.

Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Material Science Institute, University of Seville.
Currently Professor Emeritus at Seville University. José Antonio Odriozola Gordon’s research has focused on the understanding of the Surface Chemistry of Materials, particularly catalyst synthesis and the characterisation of surface species during chemical reactions (operating spectroscopies), along with the surface characterisation of steels and other metal alloys. Odriozola Gordon has also worked on developing catalysts and structured reactors, and has led the field in the interaction of the catalyst with the metal substrate.
He has published around 400 scientific articles in SCI journals in the fields of catalysis and material science. He has been a visiting professor and researcher at different universities of France, USA and China.
Presentation tittle:
- New Catalytic Challenges: A Pathway to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).